The Venturing Officers’ Association, or VOA, is the council level group which supports and leads the Venturing program in the Blue Grass Council. Just like a crew, the VOA is led by a group of youth officers and advised by several capable advisors who help position the youth for success. The VOA also includes all Crew Presidents and Crew Advisors, in addition to several subsidiary youth members and their advisors.
The VOA President is in charge of the entire Venturing Program in the council and leads the VOA. The Vice President of Administration handles recruitment efforts, relationships with other organizations, and record keeping. The Vice President of Program plans and runs all program and training events. The Vice President of Communication manages all internal and external communication channels–including this website–and ensures that Venturers make their way into the newspapers and television. Subsidiary youth members are tasked with specific operations or event responsibilities.
The VOA is supported by the Council Venturing Committee and the corps of Venturing Crew Commissioners, two groups of adults which help the VOA to succeed. The VOA works as an integral part of the Blue Grass Council, spearheading its program for older youth.