Venturing = Adventure! As a Venturer, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in lots of exciting activities: with your crew, with the council, and even with National!
Crew activities can take many forms, from whitewater rafting to high-adventure backpacking to even a visit to St. Louis or Chicago!
The KCA Camporee is an exciting weekend campout supported by the Friends of Coal Association. It primarily focuses on shooting sports, from action archery to high-caliber rifle.
Ranger Week is a program at summer camp specifically designed for Venturers! It takes place during Week 4 and provides an opportunity for Venturers to make significant progress towards earning the prestigious outdoors-focused Ranger Award!
National high adventure bases include the four BSA-operated high adventure bases (Philmont, Northern Tier, Sea Base, and the Summit) and several locally-operated bases.
The National Scout Jamboree is held every four (or so) years, and offers Venturers an experience like no other.