Join Venturing

By now, you’re hopefully convinced that Venturing is awesome and that you totally want to get involved. (If not, click here.) Now, you’re probably wondering how you get started!

First, you’ll need to use this map to find a crew that you’d like to join. Generally, a crew should be close to your home, so that it’s easy for you to get to crew meetings and events. A few crews, like Crew 204, have members from a large area and thus hold online meetings. Basically, if you see a crew that you’d like to join, you should contact the Crew Advisor and arrange to visit a crew meeting or event.

If you like what you see during your visit and think that you’ve found your crew, the next step is to fill out an application. Youth (under 18) fill out the youth application, while youth participants (18-20) and adults (21+) fill out the adult application. Yes, it’s somewhat confusing, but fortunately we have instructions on this page.

Once you’ve completed these steps and turned your application and membership fee in to your new crew, you’re officially a Venturer! Check out some of the things you can now do here!