Council VOA Advisor

Blue Grass Council VOA Advisor

The VOA Advisor shall be responsible to provide advice and support for the officers who lead the VOA and to appoint associate advisors and activity advisors. Advisors are appointed to annual terms with opportunities for reappointment.

Larry Lowe

Greetings Blue Grass Venturing,

I am advisor to the Blue Grass Council VOA and our VOA President.  I am also  crew advisor for crew 281 out of Frankfort. I have been active in venturing for about 10 years, getting started with my grand daughter and the Kelleys. We started our training in Hoosier Trails Council in Indiana because that is where there was an active venturing program. I have completed Kodiak training, served on staff and completed The Kodiak CDC. I have helped with ranger week several years and teach venturing leader-specific and crew committee training. I have been active in the VOA probably since we started it here. My vision is to have an active VOA helping crews succeed in Blue the Grass Council.


Yours in Scouting, 

Larry Lowe